Hüsken, Thomas, Alexander Solyga and Dida Badi (eds.) 2019. The Multiplicity of Orders and Practices: A Tribute to Georg Klute.

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Alice Bellagamba

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How to Cite
Bellagamba, A. (2021). Hüsken, Thomas, Alexander Solyga and Dida Badi (eds.) 2019. The Multiplicity of Orders and Practices: A Tribute to Georg Klute. Modern Africa: Politics, History and Society, 9(1), 149–154. https://doi.org/10.26806/modafr.v9i1.404
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Author Biography

Alice Bellagamba, University of Milan-Bicocca, Italy

She is professor of cultural and social anthropology at the University of Milan-Bicocca. She was Alexander Von Humboldt Fellow (2004–2005) at the University of Bayreuth and Fellow of the Berlin Institute for Advanced Studies (2011–2012). Her publications include Ethnographie, histoire et colonialism en Gambie (2002), Beside the State: Emergent Powers in Contemporary Africa (2008, with Georg Klute), with Sandra E. Greene and M.A. Klein, African voices on slavery and the slave trade (vol. 1, 2013, vol. 2, 2016), The Bitter Legacy: African Slavery Past and Present (2013), and African Slaves, African Masters (2017). E-mail: bellagamba.alice@gmail.com