Two contemporary perspectives on cognitive relativism


  • Tomáš Marvan FLÚ AV ČR



relativizmus, poznání, idůvodnění, pravda


This critical study surveys two recent influential books on epistemic relativism, Paul Boghossian’s Fear of Knowledge and Steven Hales’ Relativism and the Foundations of Philosophy. The first book convincingly attempts to rebut widespread relativistic and constructivistic doctrines, while the second propounds a defense of a specific form of cognitive relativism, one aimed at philosophical propositions.

Author Biography

Tomáš Marvan, FLÚ AV ČR


1. Od Frega k Davidsonovi: Úvod do analytické filosofie jazyka. [From Frege to Davidson: Introduction to Analytical Philosophy of Language]. Forthcoming in late 2009 from Togga.

2. Realita a relativismus [Reality and relativism]. In progress.

Články a příspěvky do sborníků/Papers and contributions to books

1. ‘Spor o povahu jazyka: Davidson a Dummett’ [‘The Debate on the Nature of Language: Davidson and Dummett’], Filosofický časopis 45 (1997), 4.

2. ‘Externalismus, pojmový relativismus a třetí dogma empirismu’ [‘Externalism, Conceptual Relativism and the Third Dogma of Empiricism’], Filosofický časopis 50 (2002), 3.

3. ‘Brandomian Aporia (and One Way Out)’, Danish Yearbook of Philosophy 37 (2002).

4. ‘Dva druhy pojmového relativismu’ [‘Two Kinds of Conceptual Relativism’], Organon F 10 (2003), 2.

5. ‘Interpretability, Perceptual Sensibilities and Triangulation’, Sats – Nordic Journal of Philosophy 4 (2003), 2.

6. ‘Svoboda, pojmy a pravidla: Ještě k Brandomovu Articulating Reasons’ [‘Freedom, Concepts and Rules: Once More on Brandom’s Articulating Reasons’], Organon F 10 (2003), 4. --- Reply by Jaroslav Peregrin: ‘Ještě jednou (a naposled): O co jde Brandomovi?’, Organon F 11 (2004), 2.

7. With M. Lasonen: ‘Davidson’s Triangulation: Content-Endowing Causes and Circularity’, International Journal of Philosophical Studies 12 (2004), 2.

8. ‘Körner o nemožnosti transcendentální dedukce’ [‘Körner on the Impossibility of Transcendental Deduction’], in B. Horyna (ed.), Kant redivivus (Brno: Masaryk University Press 2004.

9. ‘Putnamovy realismy a pojmová relativita’ [Putnam’s Realisms and Conceptual Relativity], Studia Neoaristotelica 3 (2006), 1.

10. ‘Smyslové vnímání jako druh ,myšlení‘ u Descarta’ [‘Sense-perception as a Form of ‘Thought’ in Descartes’], in J. Fiala, M. Polák (eds.), René Descartes: Scientia & conscientia (Pilsen: University of West Bohemia Press, 2006).

11. ‘Co vlastně říká Quinova teze o neurčitosti překladu?’

[What Does Quine’s Thesis of Indeterminacy Say?], forthc. in Aluze 10 (2006), 2.

12. ‘Obstacles to the Relativity of Truth’, Organon F 13 (2006), 4. --- Reply by Dan Zeman: ‘Overcoming the Obstacles to the Relativity of Truth’, Organon F 14 (2007), 2.

13. ‘Konstanty Quinovy filosofie’ [The Constants of Quine’s Philosophy], in 2.3.

14. ‘Quine a realismus’ [Quine and Realism], Reflexe 31 (2006).

15. ‘The Davidson—Quine Dispute on Meaning and Knowledge: A Concise Guide’, forthcoming inTheory of Science 16 (2007), 1.

16. ‘Goodman’s Arguments for Worldmaking and Their Critics’, in 2.5.

17. ‘Quine a Goodman: Fyzikalismus a fakta’ [Quine and Goodman: Physicalism and Facts], in 2.6.

18. ‘Dyskusja Davidson-Quine na temat znaczenia i wiedzy. Krótky przewodnik’, Analiza i egzystencja (2008), 7. [Polish translation of 1.15]

19. ‘Quine, Goodman a otázka mnohosti světů. Odpověď P. Stojanovi’ [‘Quine, Goodman and the Question of the Plurality of Worlds’], Filosofický časopis 57 (2009), 1.

20.  ‘Davidsonovy argumenty proti empirismu’ [Davidson´s Arguments against Empiricism], forthcoming in 2.7.

21. ‘Přímočarý realismus a jazykový konstruktivismus’ [Direct Realism and Linguistic Constructivism], forthcoming in proceedings of a book symposium on Interpretace a subjektivita(P. Koťátko).

22. With Ivan Blecha, ‘Reference a realismus pohledem fenomenologie a analytické filosofie’ [Reference and Realism in Phenomenology and Analytical Philosophy], forthcoming in Reflexe.

Editor/Volumes edited

1. With D. Mik: special issue of Filosofický časopis (50 (2002), 3), on externalism and internalism in contemporary philosophy of mind and language.

2. What Determines Content? The Internalism/Externalism Dispute (Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2006).

3. With L. Dostálová: W. V. Quine: Vybrané články k ontologii a epistemologii [Selected Papers in Ontology and Epistemology] (Pilsen: University of West Bohemia Press, 2006).

4. With J. Hvorecký: Filosofie jazyka a mysli: Základní pojmy [Philosophy of Language and Mind: Basic Concepts] (Pilsen: O.P.S., 2007).

5. With M. Zouhar: The World of Language and the World beyond Language. A Festschrift for Pavel Cmorej(Bratislava: Veda, 2007).


6. With L. Dostálová: Quine: Nejen Gavagai [Quine: Not Just Gavagai] (Pilsen: University of West Bohemia Press, 2008).

7. With L. Dostálová: Studie k filosofii Donalda Davidsona (Pilsen: University of West Bohemia Press,forthcoming in 2009).





Critical Studies