What does it take to be a philosopher of language (and how to distinguish one from a linguist)?


  • Marek Nagy katedra bohemistiky FF UP v Olomouci, KČJL PdF UHK




obecná lingvistika, filozofie jazyka, lingvistická filozofie, linguistic turn, metodologie, model, sémantika, význam


The paper focuses on the questions concerning the status of philosophy at the beginning of the 21st century - its place within the field of human knowledge and the definition of its relationship with special sciences. It stresses and maps out that particular dimension of 20th century philosophy which involves the linguistic turn and initiation and formulation of the methodology of science and the role of philosophy in the establishment of (philosophical) foundations of scientific knowledge. A model example of the aforementioned questions presented in the paper is an analysis of the development of relationship between the so-called analytical philosophy of language and linguistics: their (mutually defined) position in the process of investigation of human language and speech is outlined, the possibilities of drawing a line between the two approaches is investigated. The nature of their contacts (and that there are such contacts is beyond doubt) is characterized and the reasons of these processes are discussed. Based on this groundwork we try to define the space for philosophical investigation related to language. An analysis of what forms this space may take should then result in an answer to the question of what exactly is the meaning of the expression "specifically philosophical approach and its benefits".

Author Biography

Marek Nagy, katedra bohemistiky FF UP v Olomouci, KČJL PdF UHK

Autor působí na Katedře bohemistiky FF UP v Olomouci (kdo současně dokončuje doktorské studium) a na Katedře českého jazyka a literatury PedF Univerzity Hradec Králové. Zabývá se filosofickými otázkami jazyka a jazykovědy, jazykovědnou metodologií, dějinami jazykovědy, sémantikou a vztahem jazyka a vědomí.




